Analysis of famous quotes

Antagonistic statements and different aspect of statements

  1. A smile costs nothing--- Of course, but a smile at the wrong time can cost a lot. A smile may give the wrong impression. Smile in the wrong place can create enemies.
  2. If I rest, I rust--- Rest is needed to energize ourselves, to introspect, reflect, think, relax, or de-stress. Rest is very important for rejuvenation and refocus.
  3. Sin is never in action, it is always in reaction---The actions may be sinful. Many times sin is in action. Rakshash's used to do sin by disturbing Rishis. It was an action on Rakshash's part. It was not a reaction. Terrerism is sin in action. Many crimes are sin in action.
  4. The highest form of grace is silence---Sometimes, silence can be the meanest thing. It can be an act of cowardliness.
  5. Cultured give happiness wherever they go---There may be mean or deceitful people disguised as cultured people. Cultured people with egos and superiority complexes do not give happiness. Happiness is inside us. No outside person or circumstances decide our happiness. Cultured or uncultured does not matter for happiness.
  6. To be angry is to revenge the fault of others on ourselves---Sometimes anger brings new motivation, the capability to achieve difficult tasks, and the stamina to accept challenges. Many times we are angry at ourselves. There is no fault of others.
  7. It is sure to be dark if you close your eyes--- Enlightenment or realization is very bright and comes with closed eyes. If we close our eyes to outside illusion, we may better see our inner light. Pratyahar.
  8. Remember, even this will pass away--- Sure, this will pass away but may leave non-healing scars, traumatic memories, and strained relations.
  9. Mind alone is Maya at play--- Mind alone is needed for discriminating good from bad and also for meditation.
  10. You are successful and creative only when you see an opportunity in every difficulty--- Many are successful even without any difficulty. There is some randomness also e.g. winning or losing a lottery.
  11. Out of sight, out of mind--- Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  12. Grace is only to be found by effort, although it is here and now--- Many are graceful without any effort. Previous samskars.
  13. Faith is, 'To believe what you do not see', the reward of which is, 'you see what you believed'--- Not always. If someone has faith that a Hollywood star likes/loves him/her, will that star start liking/loving that faithful person as a reward?
  14. We are in the same boat-- No two people are in the same situation. Everyone's relations, surroundings, strengths, weaknesses, etc. are different.
  15. We only live once--Atma reincarnates. We always live. We never die. Atma takes rebirth until it becomes one with the supreme consciousness.
  16. Sky is the limit- Sky is not the limit, the whole space is there. Also, people can transcend beyond space.
  17. See the glass half full/empty-- Glass is not always half full/empty. It can be completely empty or full also.
  18. Kya lekar aaye the, kya lekar jayenge- Sanskar le kar aaye the aur karm lekar jayenge.
  19. Do the best and leave the rest-- Correct statement should be Do the best and let others also do their best.
  20. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence- - Permanent happiness does not depend on love from someone else.
  21. Happiness depends on what you can give, not on what you can get--Happiness does not depend on give or take. It is just always there if we want to have it.
  22. Athiti Devo bhava: This was applicable only in old times when people were living far away. The guests were genuine. Guests used to share their experiences of faraway places/experiences and were thankful for the food and shelter. They gave blessings to the host family, from their heart. Guests used to stay for only a minimum necessary period. This term does not apply when guests are coming just to save their hotel, food, and ride expenses. Wisdom is to differentiate between real athitis and parasites.
  23. Vasudev Kutumbakam: Just think if it can be possible. Ask your heart if you can consider everyone as your family. This is impossible and impractical. If we practice this then we will soon become extinct. If this phrase is the truth then why Vishnu and Shiv fought with demons, and why Devtas fought with Rakshasas during Samudra Manthan? It seems that this phrase means the family of Vasudev. This phrase can apply to highly evolved beings who have so much sattva that everything which comes near them turns into sattva.
  24. Faith is, "to believe what you do not see", the reward of which is, "you see what you believed". Very thin line between this and diagnosis of delusion/hallucination/paranoid behaviour. Paranoid- as people get scared of punishment from God. You see what you believed is in line with the concept of Thought power/ manifesting the thought/ way the sristi was created as per hinduism.

Bharti Raizada