If you believe in the karm phal of other people (physically disabled people) then you should believe in your karm phal also. Think about your karms and their fruits. If you think bad about a disabled person or treat him badly then are not you going to get phal of your bad karm? Karm phal theory is universal and is for everyone, it is not selectivlye for disabled people.
Leave alone the karm phal of others, think about your own Dharm. What is your dharm regarding physically disabled or specially-abled people?
If you believe in karm phal, I am assuming that you believe in Divinity also. Is not there divinity in everyone? Then why will anyone treat specially-abled people differently?
In the beginning there was one consciousness and the whole universe is a manifestation of that consciousness. It means that so-called normal people and specially-abled people are created from the same source and are the same at the atma level.
I heard some people saying that disability is the result of previous karms and it is determined by Bhagwan, so we should not interfere with Bhagwan's decision by helping them. It is what Bhagwan wanted to give them.
Answer-- Who are we to think about what Bhagwan does and why? We are supposed to do our Dharm only. -
When society becomes unjust, even Bhagwan takes avatar and comes to earth to restore a just society.
Does society has any responsibility when unjust things are done or divyang people are ridiculed? Are not we a part of society? Should not we be bringing compassion, empathy, happiness, helping hands, etc. into society? -
Do you consider neonates and toddlers as disabled? If yes what do you do with them? Is your behavior different for your own children and other people with disabilities?
Some may argue that children will grow up and therefore it is worth spending time and effort on them.
Science is making progress every moment and new treatments may come up for disabilities. Wheelchairs, artificial limbs, brail language, etc. are examples. -
Do you think that old people have disabilities? Do they need care or abandonment as they are not productive to society anymore?
Just remember that we will be there someday and our children will be there someday.
Are childhood and old age karm phal of previous birth?
Human form of birth is considered as the highest form as human beings have vivek. This means that people with disability are still in better life form than insects, birds, animals, plants, etc. Should not they be getting better treatment than any other life form?
Is mental disability a karm phal? The answer probably is NO. The concept of karm phal may help these individuals to accept the condition without anxiousness, repentance, and guilt feeling. Their coping mechanism may include surrender to Bhagwan. They know that they can change their destiny by karms.
We have five layers - Annmay kosh, Pranmay kosh, Mamomay kosh, Vijnanmay kosh, and Anandmay kosh. After vijnanmay kosh ( intellectual part) comes the anandmay kosh. When we are describing mental disability, we are actually describing the capabilities of vijnanmay kosh. To reach Ananmay kosh we have to go beyond vijnanmay kosh. No one can say for sure whether people with mental disabilty are able to schieve anandmay kosh or no. If they can achieve anandmay kosh then even mental disability is not a karm phal.
Some well known people who were divyang:
- Asthvakra- eight deformities
- Surdas- blind
- Shakuni- leg deformity
- Kubjika-Hunchback
- Drithrastra- blind
- Manthra- Hunchback
- Agastey Rishi- dwarf
- Apala Rishi- skin disease
- World famous disabled people:
- Stephen Hawkin
- Frida Khalo
- John Nash
- Nick Vujicic
- Andrea Boccelli
- Alex Zanardi
- Aaron Fotheringham
- Albert Einstein
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Helen Keller
- Sudha Chandran
- Tom Cruise
- Walt Disney
- Kyle Maynard
- Keira Knightley
A common saying is that do not long for the fruits of actions done. This is true only for good karms. If someone is doing a bad karm, he is not expecting fruits of his action anyway. However, he will get the fruits of his karm. No desire does not mean that fruits will not be there.
Q. Karmphal are given in swarg/nark or in next birth or partially in each phase?
Karma theory-- Atma has no karms. Mind, body, buddhi, man, etc. do karm. So to get karm phal in the next birth, these have to go with atma. Only the body is left behind. Manomaya, vijnanmaya, and anandmaya Kosh have to go with the atma to get sanskaras and karmphal in the next birth. If only atma leaves then sanskars and karmphal are not possible.
Types of Karm:
- Sattvik- karms done without raag, aasakti, and dwesh/ without attachment and without thinking about fruits of karm. It is our swabhavik or natural karm.
- Rajsik- This type of karm involves lots of efforts, involves desires, and keeps the karta attached.
- Tamsik- Karm done for unnecessary violence and destruction, filled with attachments and selfish goals.
Other classification:
- Krishn-Karms which are harmful for self and society
- Shukl-Karms which are good for self and society
- Krish sukla mixture
- Akrishn- Ashukla- karms without karmphal
Q. Supoose person A has interaction with many people in his life and then he attains Moksha. How will other people, whom he interacted with, finish their karm cycle?
A. People who attain moksha usually come in this world for a very minimum amount of time in their last birth.
Before attaining moksha, their karm become Nishkam or akrishn- ashukl.
Q. What is the origin of first karm and therefore birth?
A. Karm is anadi and anant. It is a circle of karm.
Q So, there is no way out of this karm cycle?
A. Yes, there is a way out. There is another cycle--cycle or circle of Upasana. And, there is a kendra in the center. Central sunya or kendra, then around it is a circle of upasana and around that is a circle of Karm. A jump is need to move from karm cycle to upasana cycle/circle and another jump to sunya. These jumps are via Yog path.
Bharti Raizada
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कर्म की उत्पत्ति पहले मन मे
फिर इन्द्रियों द्वारा घटित होता है
इन्द्रियों द्वारा घटित कर्म का कर्मफल तो मिलता ही है
मन मे विचारे हुये का भी प्रभाव होता है ।।
संसार और साधना
एक घुड़सवार कहीं दूर जा रहा था।बहुत देर से पानी न मिलने से उसका घोड़ा प्यास से बेहाल था।तभी उसे एक खेत में रहट चलता दिखाई दिया।वह घोड़े को रहट के पास ले आया, ताकि घोड़ा पानी पी सके।पर वह रहट बहुत जोर से टक-टक-टक-टक आवाज कर रहा था।उस आवाज से घबरा कर घोड़ा पीछे हट गया।घुड़सवार के कईं बार प्रयास करने पर भी वह घोड़े को पानी न पिला सका, तो उसने खेत के मालिक को आवाज लगाकर उससे बोला- भैया!आप कुछ देर के लिए अपना रहट बंद कर दो।ताकि घोड़ा पानी पी सके।रहट की टक-टक के कारण घोड़ा पानी नहीं पी पा रहा है।खेत का मालिक उसकी बात सुन कर हंसने लगा।और बोला~भाई!तुम समझदार लगते हो,फिर ऐसी मूर्खतापूर्ण बात क्यों करते हो?अगर रहट बंद हो जाएगा तो पानी आना भी तो बंद हो जाएगा।तब घोड़ा पियेगा क्या?अगर तुम अपने घोड़े की प्यास बुझाना चाहते हो,तो तुम्हें उसे इस टक-टक में ही पानी पीने का अभ्यास कराना पड़ेगा।दूसरा कोई उपाय नहीं है।
वह घुड़सवार और कोई नहीं,हम ही हैं।मन ही घोड़ा है। जगत की चिक-चिक ही रहट की टक-टक है।भगवान स्वयं ही खेत के मालिक हैं।भगवान का भजन ही पानी है।बिना भगवान का भजन किए इस मन की जन्मों जन्मों की प्यास बुझना असंभव है।मन कहता है कि मैं इस चिक-चिक में भगवान का भजन कैसे करूं?पर भगवान कहते हैं कि अगर तुझे प्यास बुझानी है,अगर तू आराम,विश्राम,आनन्द चाहता है,दुख से छूटना चाहता है,मुक्ति चाहता है,तो तुझे भजन का जल पीना ही पड़ेगा।और भजन तो जगत की चिक-चिक में ही करना पड़ता है।यदि हम सोचते हैं कि पहले जगत की चिक-चिक रुक जाए,फिर मैं भजन करूंगा।तो निश्चित ही इस प्यास के बुझने की न कोई संभावना थी,न है,न कभी
मनुष्य जन्म से नहीं कर्म से महान होता है
जीवन में सफलता के लिए सबसे पूर्व कर्तव्य कर्म का ज्ञान होना चाहिए और उसे कम के लिए भरपूर उत्साह भी होना चाहिए । कोरे ज्ञान से कभी सफलता प्राप्त नहीं होती । ना ही ढीले ढाले बेढ़गे, , आस्था रहित भाव से किया कर्म सफल होता है अतः सबसे प्रथम उत्साह पूर्ण सुकर्म का ज्ञान और अनुष्ठान होना चाहिए।
सारे साधन हो और भाग्य अच्छा ना हो तो महान प्रबन्ध खड़ा हो जाता है, किन्तु सौभाग्य दुर्भाग्य का मिलना मनुष्य के अपने अधीन है। इस सिद्धांत को सिद्ध करने के लिए ही भगवान् ने पहले 'दक्ष की चित्ति' का विधान किया अर्थात् भाग्य कर्म अनुसार ही बनेगा। पिछले में परिवर्तन नहीं हो सकता। आगे को भाग्य अच्छा बने इसके लिए कर्म करने की आवश्यकता है। इसी भाव से योगीराज पतंजलि जी ने ' हेयं दु:खमनागतम्'-कहा। पूर्व कर्म का फल स्वरुप दु:ख भोगना ही पड़ेगा, जो वर्तमान में फल उन्मुख है वह फल देकर ही हटेगा भविष्यत् दु:ख से बचा रहे इसके लिए पुरुषार्थ करना चाहिए। भाग्य कर्माचीन है, यह सर्वथा निश्चित है।
कर्म और भाग्य पुरुषार्थ और प्रारब्ध मिलकर धन वृद्धि के साधन देते हैं।