Asans and Exercises

  1. Supine

    Uttanpad asan-Lay down supine in shavasan, arms stretched up or on side of body or under buttocks. Lift legs up together, legs are straight. Can try to lift head and neck.

Setubandhasan or bridge pose-Supine, legs bent at knee, feet apart at hip distance, Heels are closer to buttock, palms are on sides or under the buttock, inhale and lift up buttocks, thighs, back and contract the thighs and buttocks, exhale and come down and press spine on floor.

Rolling-- bend knees, hold with hands or hug knees with hands. Roll up and down (rocking), side to side. Pull knees as far near the chest as possible.

Shavasan- legs apart, hand slightly away from body, palms up.

Cycling- Forward cycling, make big circles, head up, arms cycling also. Repeat in backward or reverse direction.

Pawanmuktasan-- Lay down supine, Bend knees and bring them close to abdomen and chest by putting hands around shins with interlocking fingers or by hugging knees. Pawanmuktasan kriya-- Bend only one knee. keep other leg straight and rotate it in one direction and then in other direction. Repeat with other leg.

Matsya asan-lay down in supine position, palms under hips, raise chest and head and then bend head downwards towards floor, chest stays up. move legs in sukhasan and takeout palms from under the hips and keep arms on sides of body.

Seshshyan asan- Lay down on any side, lowerside arm is under the head, Upper arm is in front of chest or on upper thigh, whole body is in one line, do not lean forward or backward, inhale and lift upper leg up, exhale and bring leg down.

  1. Prone

Bhujangasan or cobra pose-- 3 types

a. partially supported-Prone, palms next to lower rib cage, elbows are closer or tucked in. Inhale, press naval down and lift head, torso, chest up, exhale and bring head down.

b. -unsupported-- hands straight, stretched back, fingers interlocked, inhale, press naval down and lift head, torso, chest, exhale and come down.

c. Fully supported- palms near lower rib cage, elbows tucked in, inhale and lift front body up from naval, bend head backwards as far back as possible, lift palms up from ground if possible( unsupported), exhale and bring body down.

Shalabh asan or locust pose-- prone, make fists with thumb inside, place fists under the groin, chin on ground, forehead up, inhale and lift one leg straight up and exhale and bring it down. Repeat on other side. this is ardhshalabh asan. In poorn or full shalabh asan lift both legs together.

Makar asan-- prone, hold elbows with opposite hands, place forehead on hands, legs apart, heels inside. To come up, come in shashank pose and then sit and stand.


Taad asan- legs together and straight, feet together or once inch apart, Stand on balls of toes and heels,knees straight, thighs internally rotated, abdomen tucked in or firm, buttocks firm, roll shoulders and bring those down, back/head/ neck are straight. Arms are on side of the body.

Shithil taad asan- legs are apart in taad asan and body is relaxed, not contracted.

Arms in and out breathing--Stand in taad asan, arms at shoulder level, palms facing each other, inhale and move arms as far back as possible( at shoulder level), exhale and bring hands in the middle with palms touching each other.

Arm stretch breathing-- Taad asan, fingers interlocked and on chest, elbows on side of body and pointing downwards. Inhale and stretch arms in front, exhale and bring arms back. Do it in diagnal and straight up position (arms touching ears).

Ankle stretch- Stand in taad asan, inhale and slowly move arms up with palms facing front side, simultaneously slowly move heels up and stand on toes, Arms touch the ears, stretch whole body upwards. Exhale and slowly bring down heels and arms together.

Yogic jogging-- bring knees up as far up as possible, opposite hand comes in front with knee.Low impact is moving knees up. High impact jogging is with jumps. In forward jogging, lean backwards and jog with knees coming up. In backward jogging, lean forward and kick buttocks.

Kicking legs: in front, backwards, sides. Also, moving legs on sides without kicking.

Mukh Dhauti or candle blowing-- stand with legs apart, bend knees, bend halfway forward from hips, concave the spine and place palms on thighs, face up and breath like blowing a candle.

Shoulder rotation-- Simple rotations and then with finger tips on shoulders. In reverse direction also.
Wrist rotation
Neck rotation
Hip rotation-- hip moves front, rt, back, left. head does not move. Reverse direction also.
Knee rotation-- Keep palms on knees. Both directions.
Ankle rotation

Forward- stand in taad asan, arms vertically up, bend forward, arms move down, head and arms hang down on front side, spine is straight( no curves).
Backwards-- Taad asan, arms up, inhale and bend backwards as far as possible, spine becomes concave in the back, head and neck bend backwards.
Sides-- Bend on either side with right arm going down over rt leg. Do not lean forward or backward, knees are straight, arms are straight.
Trikon asa bending --legs 3- 5 feet apart, arms on sides at shoulder level, palms facing down, bend on either side without leaning forward or backward and move both arm together so that they are always in one straight line, whicheverside you are bending, that side arm goes down towards foot and other arm is vertically up. You can use wall as support and also to prevent bending forward and backwards.
Parivrata trikon asan- Stand in taad asan, arms are horizontal at shoulder level, palms facing down, bend in front and touch opposite toes and fingers on either side, one after other. Arms are always in one straight line, when one arm is down, other is vertically up.

Body twist- Stand in taad asan, hands over chest, palms facing down, middle fingers touching each other, elbows are on sides, horizontal and parallel to ground. Inhale and twist the body on one side, take the arms as far back as possible, exhale and come in the middle and then repeat on other side.

Veer Bhadrasan- Type 1,2,3



Vajrasan-sit on heels with soles of feet upwards, buttocks touching the heels, sit straight.

Dog breathing--SIt in Vajrasa, palms next to knees, concave spine, look forward, open mouth wide, stick out tongue and breath rapidly like a dog from abdomen.

Rabbit breathing-- SIt in Vajrasan, forearms in front of knees and over the floor, palms on the floor, spine straight almost horizontal to ground, toung at inner edge of lower front teeth, rapid breathing from chest.

Shashank asan breathing or child pose--Sit in Vajrasan, hold right wrist with left hand on the back side, arms straight, inhale and bend backwards, exhale and bend forward with forehead touching the ground. Hands are on backside all throughout.

Marjalasan or Bharman or Dandayamna asan-- From vajrasan come to table top position. Inhale and make spine concave and look up, exhale and make spine convex and chin to chest. Take one leg and opposite arm up in straight line with inhalation. With exhalation bring knee and elbow at one point in the middle and chin to chest. Hold the leg and opposite arm up pose. Come back to shashank asan and then vajrasan.

On knees and palms. Knees are hip distance apart, thighs are straight. knees and hips are in one vertical line, sole of feet are upwards, palms on floor, shoulder distance apart, upper arm in one straight vertical line from shoulder to palms--Table top position. With inhalation, curve back inwards and face/chin upwards, spine moves inwards, towards floor. With exhalation, face down, chin touching chest, back/spine moving upwards and rouns up, tuck in abdomen. For more practive raise rt leg straight and left arm straight with inhalation and during exhalation touch knee of raised leg with elbow of raised arm. Repeat on other side

Chakki chalana-- Sit straight, spine straight, legs apart, knees straight, arms straight, interlock fingers, bend forward from hips and rotate arms clockwise and anticlockwise. Arms are straight all the time. Back is moving forward, on side, backward, and on other side again for one circle.

Bhoo namanam-- naman to bhoomi. SIt straight, arms upwards, legs straight in front and together, Bend to one side and bring arms down on side/ diagonally up, and then straight up, head touches the ground. Repeat on other side.

Dandasan-- legs in front and apart, spine straight, palms on side of hips, fingers in front..

Shithil dandasan- Legs straight and apart, spine straight but leaning backwards, palms on side and back of hips, fingers facing backwards, neck bent backwards.

Jannu Shirshasan-- Sit in dandasan, fold one leg so that knee is outside and sole is touching opposite thigh, back is straight, arm are vertically up and touching ears, inhale and bend forward and hold foot with hands, place forehead on leg. Exhale and come up and then repeat on other side.

Pacchimottan asan-- Sit in dandasan, arms vertically up, inhale and bend forward with forehead on leg and hands touching toes. Exhale and come up.

Bharti Raizada

