Conflict among members of an online group

Common reasons for conflict:

  1. Different ideologies
  2. Different circumstances
  3. Different needs
  4. Different Goals
  5. Different upbringings
  6. Different cultures, values
  7. Different positions
  8. Different relations
  9. Different interpretations of words
  10. Different past experiences
  11. Misunderstanding
  12. Others interested in creating and escalating the conflict
  13. Different perceptions
  14. Different educational backgrounds
  15. Different personalities
  16. Underlying jealousy, rivalry
  17. Unmet expectations

Conflict avoidance/Resolution/Consequences:

  1. Please try not to hurt someone by your post or remarks. Try to avoid conflict.

  2. If someone feels that a particular post is inappropriate/insulting/insensitive or meant to instill unrest then please appeal to the administrative team and state the following:

a. Specifically which sentence is wrong

b. Why is it wrong or inappropriate

c. What is the better way to write

d. What do you suggest for future posts

e. Is there anything to mitigate the impact on you

  1. The person who posted the original post should give his point of view.

  2. If conflict resolution happens then all well and good otherwise agree to disagree and move on as both parties have stated their opinions.

  3. If the situation continues, involved members may be removed for some time and added back again.

  4. If it happens repeatedly, member/members may be removed forever

  5. Ask group members for their input on how to deal with future conflicts. Specify that feedback purpose is to write group guidelines and policies, not to discuss past conflicts.

    The group member who is feeling offended

  6. Try to educate others by giving your point of view.

  7. Others may not agree with your viewpoint. Respect their opinion also.

  8. Ignore the remarks if you think you can not civilly change anything.

  9. If it is negatively impacting you then consider leaving the group.

  10. Look for bitter truth in others' statements. Develop the virtue of accepting your mistakes and work towards improving it.

Sometimes it is important to bring up issues and discuss those. In these cases, please try to listen and understand what others are saying and respect others' opinions. Avoid using derogatory words and remarks. The same opinion can be given using decent language. Show dignity and grace even during conflict. Mutual respect is key as there is divinity and sacredness inside everyone. Discuss issues, not people.

At any point if you realize that you made an inappropriate or wrong remark and hurt someone unintentionally, please apologize. State clearly that you made a mistake which was unintentional and that you will try not to make the same mistake again.

Bharti Raizada