Ravan did immence tapasya and was blessed with lots of powers from devtas. However, he did not use these powers to uplift his kingdom. He did Asuri actions and therefore was killed by Bhagwan Ram.
Anyone who misuses his powers is akin to Ravan.
Pranav Shastri Ji speaking on Vijayadashmi
Vijaya Dashami (Dashera, Dasahara)
Dashera in spiritual terms is “Dasa-haaraa, (दस+हारा), vanquishing (haaraa-हारा) the ten (dasa-दस) demons in our heads:
(1) Avidyaa (अविद्या) – ignorance, false knowledge, absence of true spiritual knowledge
(2) Asmitaa (अस्मिता) - belief that our existence is limited to the body - ignoring the soul
(3) Raaga (राग) - inordinate attachment to things
(4) Dvesha (द्वेश) –hatred
(5) Abhinivesha (अभिनिवेश) - belief that we shall live forever
(6) Kaama (काम), Mada (मद) – overindulgence in sensual gratification
(7) Krodha (क्रोध) –anger
(8) Lobha (लोभ) –greed
(9) Moha (मोह) - obsession, infatuation, all attention or interest focused on near and dear ones
(10) Ahankaara (अहंकार) - ego, self-centredness -
Dasha Hara (दश-हर = दशहरा) is a Sanskrit word which means removal of ten bad qualities within us:
The envy (ईर्ष्या)
The grudge (द्वेष)
Deceit (छल)
Flem (कपट)
Eroticism (काम)
Anger (क्रोध)
Greed (लोभ)
Attachment (मोह)
Conceit (दंभ)
Laziness (आलस्य)
Hence, also known as 'Vijaydashmi' विजयदशमी signifying ”Vijay” over these ten bad qualities.
Dasha Hara is a Sanskrit word which means removal of ten bad qualities within you:
- Ahankara (Ego)
- Amanavta (Cruelty)
- Anyaaya (Injustice)
- Kama vasana (Lust)
- Krodha (Anger)
- Lobha (Greed)
- Mada (Over Pride)
- Matsara (Jealousy)
- Moha (Attachment)
- Swartha (Selfishness)
Hence, also known as 'Vijaydashami' signifying ”Vijaya” over these ten bad qualities.
May you always be victorious against all the evils and may you always be triumphant in the battle within. Wish you and your families A Very Happy Vijaydashmi!
Skand Puran advices to stay away from following ten vices: Kayak, vaachak, and Maanas.
Vices of Karm, action, kayak:
- Stealing
- Unlawful violence
- Adultery
Vices of speech, Vaachak:
- Back biting
- Using harsh words
- Lies
- Irrelevant rants
Vices of thoughts, Maanas:
- Jealousy
- Bad actions
- Spreading false narratives
O wise man! You associate with the best scholars who will keep you away from your enemies (lust, anger, greed, etc.). They will lead you to do good deeds. (Rig Veda 5-66-1)
हे ज्ञानी मनुष्य! आप श्रेष्ठ विद्वानों का संग करो जो तुम्हें तुम्हारे शत्रुओं (काम, क्रोध, लोभ आदि) से दूर करेंगे। तुम्हें उत्तम कर्म करने के लिए प्रवृत्त करेंगे। (ऋग्वेद ५-६६-१)
आ चिकितान सुक्रतू देवौ मर्त रिशादसा।
वरुणाय ऋतपेशसे दधीत प्रयसे महे॥ ऋग्वेद ५-६६-१॥
बिना भाई के साथ के जब रावण हार सकता है
और भाई के साथ से श्री राम जीत सकते है
तो हम किस घमंड में है?
सदा साथ रहिये... कोशिश कीजिये कि परिवार कभी ना टूटे
दशहरा विजयदशमी हमें बताते हैं कि... असत्य कितना भी प्रबल हो उसे मिटना पड़ता है
क्यों कि सत्य ही “धर्म” है... अंत में विजय सत्य की ही होती है
" Happy Dussehara "
विजयदशमी की आपको और आपके परिवार को हम सब की तरफ से शुभ कामनाऐं