Editor- Dr. Bharti Raizada Animals get triggered sometimes. Especially reptiles. There's a show on History Channel called Intruders. I don't watch it but my mom does and occasionally I watch it for a few minutes. It's a bunch of true stories of dangerous animals going into peoples living areas and doing things. A lot of these stories are based on snakes and how they get inside your home and make nests. One story I remember watching was about a family in rural Florida. Their son was about to go to the bathroom when a snake crawled out of the toilet. They got scared and tried to capture it, but failed. Eventually, they called a snake exterminator to get rid of the snake. The snake exterminator found a whole nest of adult Diamondback snakes underneath a shed in their house. He had to crawl underneath in the dark and remove 12 huge snakes. The family still checks for snakes every day. Another story was about a mother and two sons who lived by the beach in California. They had moved into this new house a few days back. They found a whole bunch of rats and rat droppings throughout the house. They tried getting rid of them but nothing worked. One night, one of the rats crawled on top of one of the kids while he was sleeping. He woke up and screamed. The kids ended up leaving the mother and went to live with their father. The mother couldn't sell the house or move since the house was on lease. She ended up sleeping in her car until she could move out of that house. It was pretty sad because even though they were just rats she couldn't do anything about it and ended up leaving. I don't watch it that much, but I do know that they have a lot of stories about all kinds of animals like badgers, bobcats, snakes, rats, spiders, insects, alligators, and a bunch of other creepy stuff. The show is kind of scary but helps me understand that animals can be very dangerous and cause lots of diseases. I am just lucky to live in an area where there aren't any "Intruders."