How to see things differently
Different people interpret in different ways. These interpretations depend on the nature of the person, past experiences, memory, surroundings, and long-term agendas.
Leaves change colors in fall. Some people see beauty in these colors, some feel pain thinking that leaves are dying, some mourn the death but move forward and enjoy the beauty, some are neutral, some change their stand frequently, some think spiritually and call it destiny, some are happy believing these fallen leaves will become fertilizers and help grow the new plants or life. They see it as a cycle where one leads to other. Life leading to death and death leading to life. For some it is not even death, it is just recycling of energy.
However, it is a fact that leaves change colors and fall from trees.
Characteristics of happiness and Swami vs Acharya
The happiness which comes with material things is temporary or short term i.e. it comes and goes. It depends on the situation, both external and internal. If someone is hungry, food can make him happy. If someone is full, the same food can give nausea. Sometimes social circle gives happiness. When we are overwhelmed and tired, the same social circle can give stress.
True happiness is permanent/persistent. External factors do not influence it.
When Ram was ready for his Rajyabhishek, his father called him and told him to go to the forest for 14 yrs. After receiving this order, there was no change in his happiness. His face had the same glow and smile. His happiness was persistent and permanent, it was not dependent on the throne.
Some people say that happiness is a state when you are at peace or content with yourself. A schizophrenic person is at peace with himself and is happy. A drugged person may be at peace with himself and happy. These are examples of temporary and false happiness. Temporary, because as soon as the effect of the drug is gone that person's happiness goes away. False, as it is not a conscious effort or decision, it just happens because of the interaction of the drug with the body.
Material things look and feel good but are impermanent and are not real happiness. Examples to illustrate material vs real essence:
Imagine a tree fully loaded with leaves and fruits/flowers. It looks beautiful. However its beauty is temporary, fruits fall, leaves fall, and the tree becomes barren and dry, The essence of its beauty lies in its roots which are not even visible. Likewise, our happiness is inside us but we keep looking for it outside.
Waves look beautiful. People love to see waves coming and going. However, the existence of waves is because of the depth of the ocean and the water below the waves. That deapth is not visible to eyes. Waves come and go, their size changes but the ocean below it is always there and same. Similarly, inner happiness is always there but material things come and go.
Happiness is an attitude of mind. It is our true nature. Sat Chit Anand is our true nature. We can attain this happiness as this is inside us. We do not need anything to get it. We just need to do the right actions, keep right attitude of mind, and look at things positively.
Happiness depends on what we give not on what we can get, on hard work, honesty, and living according to values and principles.
There is a quote that too much of anything is dangerous. However, too much of inner, permamnent happiness/ anand is never dangerous.
Pleasure is short term, felt in material things, is taken from outside, usually achieved alone, is achievable with substances e.g. drugs, alcohol, is addictive, and it is dopamine.
Happiness is long term, is etheral, even comes with giving, shared with others, is not achieved with substances, is non addictive, and is serotonin.
Dopamine vs Serotonin
Dopamine is learning, positive reinforment, and good feeling reward neurotransmitter. Serotonin is all about- I am happy with this, I do not need more. Dopamine wants more and more, serotonin gives contentment.
Cortisol works on prefrontal cortex. Without proper functioning of prefrontal cortex, human lives in present only, with no thinking of future. They need their reward in present moment. Combination of dopamine and cortisol leads to addiction. It is reward plus stress.
Chronic dopamine stimulation leads to upregulation of receptors and finally neuronal death. This leads to more and more stimulation and less effect, leading to tolerance.
On the other hand, serotonin receptor is downregulated by cortisol, leading to less serotonin and then to depression. So addiction and depression, both are occuring in chronic stress with increase of cortisol.
Rewards are needed to stay motivated and do basic daily work.
However reward or pleasure are not same as contentment or happiness.
Q. Is it wrong to be ambitious and have a desire to get comfortable things and living?
A. It is not wrong to be ambitious and desire things which make our life comfortable. However, it is wrong to associate material objects with inner, permanent anand. We can have things which give us comfort but we should not get attached to those things. We should not be sad if we lose those things or can not afford those things via honest and fair means. We should not cheat others to get those desires come true.
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Bharti Raizada