Truth behind the stories of many wives

In Hinduism, many Devtas, Rishis, etc. are shown to have more than one wife.

On one hand, we say that in Sanatan dharm women had the same rights and powers as men. However, many famous and influential personalities are shown with more than one wife. So, what was going on and what is the truth?

Let's start from the beginning of creation. Laxmi Devi is shown to be on the foot side of Vishnu. Does it literally mean that Laxmi was serving Vishnu and was his subordinate?

Some people explain this as follows:
The wives are tattvs which are required to do the action by main tattv e.g. Vishnu has Bhoo Devi and Sri Devi as wives. Vishnu preserves earth (Bhoo Devi ) and to do so he needs resources from Sri Devi.

Don't people have different companions? Some are for reading, some for cooking, others for dining out, for spiritual readings, for traveling, etc. One person may be doing multiple works and getting help from multiple resources. Even for doing one work, multiple resources are required.

As Devi and Devtas are tattvs and not physical bodies like humans, we do not see Devi, devta via satellite.

Let's now discuss Chandra and his wives

Many of us have heard that the moon had twenty-seven wives and he loved Rohini the most. With the current scientific knowledge, we now know that the moon's wives are Nakshatras ( these wives are not physical bodies ) and Rohini Nakshatra gets most occultations based on its location. So, this scientific knowledge was transmitted to the next generations in the form of a story that was easy to remember and understand.

These stories do not need to be dismissed as untrue and illogical. We should look for science underneath these. These stories are telling us science facts or reality that exists in the cosmos.

So, these stories are not describing current polygamy concept which are human body relations. These are concepts describing cosmos.

I received the following question-answer on WhatsApp

Q. क्या महाभारत के कृष्ण की 16000 रानियाँ थीं ?
A नहीं उनकी एक ही रानी थी । जिसका नाम रुक्मिणी था । ये 16000 वाली ग़लत बात भागवत पुराण जैसे मिथ्या ग्रन्थ में लिखी है । महाभारत में नहीं ।भला 16000 रानियों के साथ रहने वाला कृष्ण जीवित कैसे बचता ? नपुंसकता जैसे रोगों से वह शीघ्र ही मर जाता । क्या कोई विद्वान 16000 स्त्रियों के साथ विवाह करने या उनके साथ रहने की कल्पना कर सकता है। यह हिंदू भारतीय संस्कृति में असम्भव है ।यह भागवत पुराण मिथ्याचारियों ने अपने पाप छुपाने के लिये कृष्ण पर मिथ्या दोष लगाये हैं । एक महापुरुष पर ऐसे झूठे दोष लगाकर भारतीय सनातन संस्कृति को बदनाम करने की कोशिश की गई है ।

Veds are science
Dr. Nader is proposing that veds are nothing but science. As per him, Rishis are brain stem nuclei and major female figures are various arteries in the human body. He says that Veds are inside us, Ramayan is inside us.. Actually, it is the human structure and function that is described in Veds in the form of stories. Yatha pinde tatha brahmande.
Following are videos by Dr. Nader

Bharti Raizada