Random thoughts that will probably never get uploaded

Posted by on December 10, 2017
  • TV car ads are really stupid. Most of the time these don't even show cars, just random people.

  • And don't even get me started on Geico ads, they are just SOOOOOO bad. Legit just completely random stuff.

  • Penguins are cool animals. They swim fast and slide on their tummies really fast down the hills. They huddle together and survive blizzards of up to -180 degrees.

  • The USA is like bipolar since there are like a bunch of fires in California that are just burning down everything and then on the east coast it's snowing like crazy. That's pretty dumb. It just started snowing in Chicago today.

  • The world is getting super lazy. All these smart speakers like Google Home and Alexa and stuff are literally getting money by saying that it's a good thing to sit on your couch and tell a machine to take orders and you do not actually have to do basic work like turning off your freaking lights. I still want one though.

  • Some people buy all their books at stores and their always super expensive. These people are dumb cuz you can just go to your public library and check-out all the books you want for FREE. Is it really that much of a problem in having to give them back in THREE weeks, even if you don't renew them! So why buy all these books from Barnes&Nobles for like $20?

  • I'm out of random thoughts