Should Hindus celebrate Christmas?

Posted by on December 26, 2017

Should Hindus celebrate Christmas?

I know there’s a lot of controversy on this topic, but I think it’s pretty straightforward. Christmas is a Christian holiday, but a lot of other cultures like Hinduism and Judaism have other celebrations this time of the year like Diwali and Hanukkah. That’s why people just say happy holidays so they can be respectful of all the celebrations. Basically this time of the year is about giving. It doesn’t really matter what you choose to call it. So Hindus should be able to celebrate Christmas. If you really think that Christmas is an all Christian holiday, then you can still give people gifts but just not say it’s for Christmas or make your own version of Christmas that still relates to Hinduism. And it’s not wrong or anything for other people to celebrate it. Most of the modern day Christmas traditions don’t even have anything to do with Jesus Christ. In conclusion, Hindus should be able to celebrate Christmas if they want to.

Om Raizada