Sin and Sinners

If Adam and Eve were the first people and all humans are their offsprings, then it means that all humans sinners. So, why celebrate the birth? Why the birth of one more sinner is a celebration? Why death leads to sadness. Death means the removal of a sinner from this earth, then why not celebrate death? What happened to all those people who were born before Christ? Who removed their sins? Were those people not sinners?

Jesus takes everyone's sins, but where does he store those? Does he have the biggest collection of sins?

As long as prayers are held to "forgive our sins", sins will be committed.
People can do as many sins as they want because they can give those to Jesus at any time.

If God places soul in everybody then how can that soul be sinner? When a person is dead, what happens to soul? If dead bodies are burriesd/saved, does that mean that soul is still in that dead body? Is soul alive or dead in the dead body?

  • Is Christ God or son of God or messenger of God?
  • If he is God, who was managing universe before his birth?
  • If he is the son of God, why no one prays directly to God? Why is Jesus everywhere?
  • If he is a messenger of God, then who is God, and how come messenger is seen everywhere but not the real God? Jesus was born before he was born.
  • Who is mother of Jesus?
  • When Jesus was crucified, where was God? Why he did not come to save Jesus?
  • Why God did not send someone else on earth after crucification of Jesus?
  • Why christians pray to Jesus and not to God directly. Why there are no churchs for God himself.

What is the thinking of children who are growing up with this religious belief? Do they think themselves as sons/daughters of sinners? Does it not lead to depression? Doesn't it affects their development and gives them stress?

First man and women were Adam and Eve. Everyone else is their descendent. It means that weddings are between brothers and sisters!

Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great who died in 4 BC, so Jesus must have been born before 4 BC i.e. before birth of Jesus, Jesus was born.

  • Christianity and Islam believe that God created the world. Hindus believe that world is a part of God.
  • As per Christianity and Islam, the goal of life is to ask God for forgiveness and space in heaven. Goal of a Hindu is to become one with God.
  • Christianity-- all are born sinners. Hinduism-- All are born divine.
  • Christianity and Islam have one God but many divisions and those divisions are based on difference of philosophies/concepts. They do not like and accept others beliefs and have a kind of animosity towards each other. They do not go to each others places of worship. Hinduism has one supreme power, many Devi Devtas but core philosophy is one, Concepts are same in all. No one is enemy of others and no one thinks bad for others based on their beliefs. They happily go to all hindu places of worship.
  • In Sanatam Dharm, it is possible to become one with Bhagwan or become like him. In abhramic religions, no one can ever become God. The effort is to ask for forgiveness and shelter.
  • In Sanatan Dharm, any individual can find Bhagwan. In Abhramic religions, an intermediary/priest is needed to convey devotion.
  • Abrahmic religions believe that women cause fall of men. Sanatan Dharm-- Women are foundation of society. They are complimentary to men. Bhagwan is shown as Ardhnarishwar.
  • Burial practice--Dead people who have been buried stay in one place, surrounded by many others. They have no control of who are their neighbors. The are stuck in that place with others surrounding them.
  • Sanatan dharm is based on love or preet. Abhramic religions are based on fear and coercing.
  • Conversion and expansion of geographical boundaries by unethical killing and plunder is not a Sanatani project. After killing Bali Ram made Sugreev the new king. After defeating Ravaan, Ram coronated Vibhishan as the new king of Lanka. Ram did not destroy Lanka and did not take any valuables from Lanka. He did not put Lankan people in jail and did not touch Mandodari. After defeating Kans, Krishn made Ugrasen the new king of Mathura. After Kurushetra war, Yudhistir became the king, not Krishn or Arjun.
  • Adam was forbidden to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. Bhagwan gave Veds to humans to conduct their lives. Knowledge was not forbidden in sanatan dharm.

In India a muslim man can have more than one wife. Whoever is marrying him is consenting for polygamy by him.
Any of a muslim girl's cousin can become her husband.

Why do people convert:

  • For money
  • For freebies
  • For fear of violence, death
  • Some do not care and believe that it does not effect anything
  • To get married
  • To please someone
  • Under the influence of drugs, alcohol
  • Cheated into conversion
  • To get some position, power
  • To spy
  • To move to a specific place or country, hospital
  • Suffering from psychiatric disease
  • Under the influence of some medicines
  • Forced in prison
  • Fed up of their own religion
  • Influenced by other religion
  • Misinformation
  • Illiteracy
  • Missionaries

As per Hinduism, all are part of Parmatma. Then, why are humans living on earth and Parmatma is enjoying karm less life/ What was the first karm that made humans take birth in flesh/body/manifested form? Was that karm similar to Christian sin?
Humans have atma hidden inside the flesh and body. Having a body alone makes all humans fallen. The body makes us use indriya or senses. It gives us desires and duty to protect and do Dharma which leads to further karmic entanglement. No matter what we do, we can never become one with Parmatma until we have a body. Having a body implies that we have already committed a sin and as a result of that we got the body.

Whatsapp Forward:
इसाई धर्म: . ईसा एक है
बाइबिल एक।
फिर भी, लेटिन कैथलिक, सीरियन कैथलिक, मारथोमा, पेंटेकोस्ट, सैल्वेशन आर्मी, सेवेंथ डे एडवांटिष्ट, ऑर्थोडॉक्स, जेकोबाइट जैसे 146 फिरके आपस में किसी के भी चर्च में नहीं जाते।

इस्लाम धर्म: . अल्लाह एक,
कुरान एक,
नबी एक।
फिर भी शिया, सुन्नी, अहमदिया, सूफी, मुजाहिद्दीन जैसे 13 फिरके एक दुसरे के खून के प्यासे। सबकी अलग मस्जिदें। साथ बैठकर नमाज नहीं पढ़ सकते। धर्म के नाम पर एक-दूसरे का कत्ल करने को सदैव आमादा।

Islamist have two school of thought-Devbandi and Barelvi. Devbandi who are against any kind of Symbol worship. IsIs belongs to devbandi. India have 80%Barelvi who follow Dargah, mazar, etc. Pakistan is formed by Barelvis.

. हिन्दू धर्म: . 1280 धर्म ग्रन्थ
10 हज़ार से ज्यादा जातियां, अनगिनत पर्व एवं त्योहार,
असंख्य देवी-देवता।
एक लाख से ज्यादा उपजातियां, हज़ारों ऋषि-मुनि, सैकड़ों भाषाएँ।
फिर भी सारे हिन्दू सभी मन्दिरों में जाते हैं और सारे त्योहारों को मनाते हुए आपस में शान्ति एवं शालीनता से रहते हैं।

यह है भव्यता, सुन्दरता और खूबसूरती हिन्दू धर्म की

नानक से पहले कोई सिक्ख नहीं था!
जीसस से पहले कोई ईसाई नहीं था!
मुहम्मद से पहले कोई मुसलमान नहीं था!
ऋषभदेव से पहले कोई जैनी नहीं था!
बुद्घ से पहले कोई बौद्ध नहीं था!
कार्ल मार्क्स से पहले कोई वामपंथी नहीं था!

लेकिन :--
कृष्ण से पहले...
राम से पहले...जमद्गनि से पहले...अत्री से पहले...
अगस्त्य से पहले...
पतञ्जलि से पहले...कणाद से पहले...याज्ञवलक्य से पहले...
सभी "सनातन वैदिक" धर्मी थे..!

क्योंकि एक व्यक्ति विशेष के द्वारा तो केवल मत, पंथ, सम्प्रदाय, रिलिजन आदि चला करते हैं, धर्म नहीं..!
प्रेम से बोलिये... सत्य सनातन धर्म की जय हो..!!



The most hated woman in America





आसाम में एक ईसाई धर्म प्रचारक भेजे गए थे, नाम था फादर क्रूज।
इन्हें असम के एक प्रभावशाली परिवार के लड़के को घर आकर अंग्रेजी पढ़ाने का अवसर मिला। पादरी साहब धीरे-धीरे घर का निरीक्षण करने लगे।
उन्हें पता चल गया कि बच्चे की दादी इस घर में सबसे प्रभाव वाली हैं।
इसलिए उनको यदि ईसा की शिक्षाओं के जाल में फँसाया जाए तो उनके माध्यम से पूरा परिवार और फिर पूरा गाँव ईसाई बनाया जा सकता है।
पादरी साहब दादी माँ को बताने लगे कि कैसे ईसा कोढ़ी का कोढ़ ठीक कर देते थे,
कैसे वो नेत्रहीनों को नेत्र ज्योति देते थे,
दादी ने कहा बेटा, हमारे ”राम-कृष्ण” के चमत्कारों के आगे तो कुछ भी नहीं ये सब !
तुमने सुना है कि हमारे राम ने एक पत्थर का स्पर्श किया तो वो जीवित स्त्री में बदल गई।
राम जी के नाम के प्रभाव से पत्थर भी तैर जाता था पानी में, आज भी तैर रहे हैं,
पादरी साहब खामोश हो जाते
पर अपने कुत्सित प्रयास जारी रखते।
एक दिन पादरी साहब चर्च से केक लेकर आ गए और दादी को खाने को दिया।
पादरी साहब को विश्वास था कि दादी न खायेंगी, पर उसकी आशा के विपरीत दादी ने
केक लिया और खा गई।
पादरी साहब आँखों में गर्वोक्त उन्माद भरे अट्टहास कर उठे, माताजी !
तुमने चर्च का प्रसाद खा लिया, अब तुम ईसाई हो।
दादी ने पादरी साहब के कान खींचते हुए कहा, वाह रे गधे ! मुझे एक दिन केक खिलाया तो मैं ईसाई हो गई। और मैं प्रतिदिन तुमको अपने घर का खिलाती हूँ, तो तू हिन्दू कैसे नहीं हुआ रे नमक हराम ? तू तो प्रतिदिन सनातन धर्म की इस आदि भूमि का वायु, जल लेता है फिर तो तेरा रोम-रोम हिन्दू बन जाना चाहिए।
अपने स्वधर्म और राष्ट्र को पथभ्रष्ट होने और गलत दिशा में जाने से बचाने वाली
ये दादी माँ थी आसाम की
सुप्रसिद्ध क्रान्तिकारी ”कमला देवी हजारिका“।

नानक से पहले कोई सिक्ख नहीं था !
जीसस से पहले कोई ईसाई नहीं था !
मुहम्मद से पहले कोई मुसलमान नहीं था!
ऋषभदेव से पहले कोई जैनी नहीं था !
बुद्घ से पहले कोई बौद्ध नहीं था!
कार्ल मार्क्स से पहले कोई वामपंथी नहीं था !
लेकिन :
कृष्ण से पहले राम
राम से पहले जमदग्नि
जमदग्नि से पहले अत्री
अत्री से पहले अगस्त्य
अगस्त्य से पहले पतंजलि
पतंजलि से पहले कणाद
कणाद से पहले
याज्ञवलक्य से पहले
सभी "सनातन वैदिक" धर्मी थे

बुद्ध की छवि के साथ कोई सिक्का भारत में प्राप्त नहीं हुआ है सम्राट कनिष्क के सिक्कों पर भी भोलेनाथ और नंदी बाबा विराजमान है

Religion Vs. Spirituality
▪ Religion is not just one, there are many. Spirituality is one.
▪ Religion is for those who sleep. Spirituality is for those who are awake.
▪ Religion is for those who need someone to tell them what to do and want to be guided. Spirituality is for those who pay attention to their inner voice.
▪ Religion has a set of dogmatic rules. Spirituality invites us to explore within and get attuned to the Universal Rules.
▪ Religion threatens and frightens. Spirituality gives inner peace.
▪ Religion speaks of sin and guilt. Spirituality leads us on the path of emancipation!
▪ Religion represses everything which it considers false. Spirituality transcends everything, it brings us closer to our Truth!
▪ Religion invents.Spirituality helps us to discover.
▪ Religion does not tolerate any question.Spirituality encourages searching questions.
▪ Religion is human. It is an organization with rules made by men. Spirituality is Divine, without human rules....leads us to the Causeless Cause!
▪ Religion divides between us and them. Spirituality unites.
▪ Religion follows the concepts of a sacred book. Spirituality seeks the sacred in all books.
▪ Religion feeds on fear. Spirituality feeds on trust and faith.
▪ Religion makes us to live in External Reality. Spirituality lives in Inner Consciousness.
▪ Religion deals with performing rituals. Spirituality has to do with the Inner Self.
▪ Religion feeds on internal ego. Spirituality drives to transcend beyond self.
▪ Religion makes us renounce the world to follow a God. Spirituality makes us live in God, without renouncing our existing lives.
▪ Religion is a cult. Spirituality is inner meditation.
▪ Religion fills us with dreams of glory in paradise. Spirituality makes us live the glory and paradise on earth.
▪ Religion lives in the past and in the future. Spirituality lives in the present.
▪ Religion creates cloisters in our memory. Spirituality liberates our Consciousness.
We are not human beings, who go through a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings, who go through a human experience.
In this Religion must not be translated as धर्म, Religion is पंथ, धर्म is equal to cosmic rules /systems.