
Posted by on March 7, 2016

Did you ever wonder how much sleep you should be getting?If you are a kid you should be getting 9-12 hours of sleep every night.Adults should be getting 6-8 or more.For me,the longer I sleep in the night the more fresh I feel the next day.When you are sleeping,your brain collects random memories and mix them together to create a dream.When you are sleeping,your brain is thinking.Other parts of your body are working too,like your lungs and heart.Sleep is very important to your body.Scientists recommend to not look at any screen 30 minutes before you sleep.This will improve your sleep.

Om Raizada

Documentary: The mind Explained: Season 1 and 2---Memory, Brainwashing, Dreams

Nidra: Nidra Devi- Makes us fall asleep and also wakes us.
Laxman did not sleep for 14 years.
Urmila slept for double time for 14 yrs.

Story of Vishnu- He was sleeping, two asuras (Madhu and Ketabha)came out of his ears and they started snatching Brahma's powers. Brahma tried to wake up Vishnu but was unable to. Then Brahma prayed to Nidra Devi. She went inside Vishnu and woke him up from inside.

According to Mandukya Upanishad, there are four states of being or of Atma.

  • Jagrit or waking
  • Dreaming or Swapna
  • Supta (dreamless sleep)
  • Turiya (transcendent)

In Prashna Upnishad, Maharishi Pippalada says that Swapna avastha is the interaction of Jeevatma, Manas, and Suksmendriyas.
As per Ayurveda, Atma is the cause of dreams. Acharya Charak stated that the transportation to different realms, areas, periods, etc. in the dreams is one of the indications of the Atma.
He described seven types of swapns.

  1. Drsta – A ‘Drsta’ dream involves seeing
  2. Sruta – Sruta dream involves hearing the sounds
  3. Anubhuta – experiencing in the dream
  4. Prarthita– Indriya desires or ichhas manifesting in the dream
  5. Kalpita – Imagination in dreams. There is no relation to reality in the wakeful state.
  6. Bhavita – Dreaming incident actually happens in life, swapna comes true
  7. Dosaja – Represent Prakrit or Vaikrit doshas
    These can be of two types:
    Aphala – No effect on the dreamer
    Phala – Have subh ( su swapna) or asubh (duh swapna) effect on the dreamer

Rishis say that the jagrat state itself is a dream. Prakriti is an illusion. So, whatever we see, feel, hear, etc. is an illusion or dream. Both Jagrit and Swapan avasthas are illusions of the mind.
After a dream when we wake up, we realize that it was a dream. Similarly, in Turiya Avastha, the realization dawns that the wakeful state was a dream too.

Nidra is a state of Tamas. In dreaming state, the person is neither awake nor in Nidra. So, it may be a state of Rajas where activities are going on.

Contents of swapna may depend on the body dosha types and therefore knowledge of swapna events may help in the diagnosis of doshas and diseases.

Many people attribute their discoveries or inventions to strange dreams. In Sanatan Dharm, Rishis get the true knowledge in Dhyan.
It is important to recognize that Swapna and Dhyan are different things.

Bharti Raizada