The art of living and dying

The art of living and dying

Is living and dying an art that we need to learn and implement?

We are born with some Sanskars. We need to maintain some of these and improve on some. However, to improve, we need to first accept that we are not perfect. Honest work is needed to overcome our fears, uncertainties, and deficiencies. We also need resolve and courage to continue progressing toward our lakshya/goal. This goal has to be for us, not for society, relatives, neighbors, family, etc.

Our thoughts become our voice, the voice becomes action, actions become habits, and habits become character. So, we need to analyze our thoughts and strive to work on improving those in the right direction. Observation and analyses of thoughts give new perspectives and make us strong and clear from the inside. With clear thinking, we make correct decisions. In this process, we have to accept some values and reject the contrasting path.

We may work towards a project and after figuring out the finer details, we may change it to a new project. We may repeat this multiple times. I do not think that it is a waste of time or failure as long as the previous project is leading to a better one. We should possess the strength to observe, analyze, and correct our mistakes. All the time and energy we spend on the old, uncompleted project gives a clearer understanding and may become a foundation stone for the new task. Ambitions, outlooks, values, and priorities may change as new information, challenges, and opportunities arise. Every moment we are learning and experiencing something. How we use this in our remaining life and move towards our lakshya is an art and commitment. The journey and process is more important than the final stage. Contentment should always be there.

All these prepare us for a dignified death.We do not need to compete for everything, we do not need to achieve everything. Everyone is on his or her own journey. All can not be extraordinary, some people have to be ordinary or common and we can be one of those.

Bharti Raizada