Things you need to know about Fortnite

Fortnite is the hit of the year, the hottest game in the emerging battle royals genre. 100 players battle it out on a huge island to see who's the last one standing. Most of you probably already know about fornite though.

Ways to get better at Fornite

Build Build Build Building is crucial to win fights and travel across the map.. No matter what platform you play on building better will instantly show better results for you and your squad. While the simplest way go build better is to play more, what you really should be doing is looking at how other people build. For example watching streamers or your friends. You can also practice in playgrounds by yourself or with your friends. Practicing in playgrounds will help you refine your skills and do better in game.

Get better

No matter how bad you are. Camping in wailing woods and not fightings a single person, then saying I got top 25 doesn't make you a better player. Even if you don't do good. Land in spots where you know there'll be competition. Even if you get eliminated early on, you'll improve every time and eventually take over your location. In contrast to this, bush camping is actually pretty underrated, and works pretty well if you find a good bush. You should still be able to push people even if you bush camp (which I don't suggest).

Your playstyle

The unique thing about fornite is that it has a playstyle for everyone. No matter how you play, fornite makes if fun and interesting. Being aggressive or sniping doesn't change if you get the kill or not, its just about how you play. So whatever you do, keep on doing that cause that's what your best at.

Personal strategies.

I play on PC, even though all my friends play on console. I feel like PC is better for building and aiming and things like that, even though console players can be really good. In fornite I'm more of a medium range fighter, as opposed to pushing everyone with a shotgun.

I almost always land Tilted, salty, or retail. Even if I know I'm gonna do bad. One of my favorite spots to land is the cluster of house pairs outside of Risky Reels, since literally no one lands there and you instantly have two houses worth of loot. Then you can rotate into Risky and get kills and more loot.

My keybinds:

Just in case anyone wants to know my keybinds.

Ramp Q Wall. X Floor. Z Pyramid. C Trap. V Auto run. T Pickaxe. Mouse button 5 Edit. F Toggle run. Shift Toggle build Mouse button 4 Crouch. Ctrl

Thanks for reading :-)