Tips to oppose anti India resolution in The U.S.A.
Set a common unified goal- Oppose the resolution and do not let it pass through any committee and city council.
All volunteers should be reminded of this goal every morning.
Divide the tasks and make small teams.
Team1--Mobilizing people
Team 2- creating educational content--messages, links, facts, articles, videos, interviews, etc.
Team 3- sharing content via email, social media, etc.
Team 4- Collecting phone numbers, emails, open hrs of aldermen, ward night times, etc.
Team 4- visiting Aldermen and presenting the real story
Team 5- scheduling meetings with aldermen. Multiple meetings are helpful.
Team 6- speakers for in-person or zoom meetings with aldermen
Team 7- schedule meeting among group members and coordinate among volunteers
Team 8- Involving different organizations and consulate
Team 9- raising funds if needed
Team 10-- Checking well being of volunteers and arranging small get-togethers
Team 11- keep track of meeting dates--when is resolution scheduled for committee voting and city council voting. Set notifications and check every day.
Team 12-- Identify volunteers in all wards.
Team 13-- Coordinating to register for public comments and sending emails before voting
Team 14- End moment meeting fillers, ride givers, drivers
Team 15- People practicing thought power -
Do not get influenced by scare tactics--from sponsoring organizations, sponsors, and co-sponsors
Involve political donors and influential citizens
When talking to the Alderman, be polite and concise. Present facts and discuss the repercussions of letting this resolution pass. Explain how this will increase the division and discrimination in the community. Stress that it is not a matter to be discussed at the city level. Explain point by point ( resolution points ), show them the results of Chicago voting, also comments by Aldermen and Mayor. Feel proud to share Grand narrative of India and selfless community works done by Indian people. Give them time to ask questions. After meeting, send Thank you emails and provide links to authentic news articles. Provide them a phone number and email, if they need to reach out for further clarifications.
Once you have the names of Alderman who are on your side, request them to talk to their colleagues ( other Aldermen ). They can convince each other easily.
Aldeman office staff is also important. Send emails to staff menbers, chief operating officers, volunteers, etc. Call them and talk to them.
Listen to public comments, related to this resolution, in Chicago Health and Human Relations committe meeting and City Council meeting
Listen to comments made by Aldermen and Mayor.
Bharti Raizada